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29. Nov. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
Siberian Shadows - Sibirische Schatten
~Deutsche Version unten~ As many of my readers might know already, almost all the stories that I write are inspired in one way or the...

22. Nov. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
Road of Redemption - Der Weg zur Erlösung
"I was completely dumbfounded when his wife decided to leave him. Never, not even in my wildest daydreams did I imagine that a woman...

15. Nov. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
Ravens in the Fog - Raben im Nebel
~Deutsche Version unten~ "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allan Poe I am currently reading Edgar Allan...

8. Nov. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
Last Year in Utrecht - Letztes Jahr in Utrecht
#holland #thenetherlands #utrecht #tbt #throwbackthursday #donnerstage

1. Nov. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
A poem I have written for my in-laws after visiting them in Sevilla: "Sevilla, In her warm embrace I discover my innermost secrets. In...

25. Okt. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
Barcelona at Night - Barcelona bei Nacht
~Deutsche Version unten~ A full moon gracing the night sky in Barcelona on the last evening before I left the city. ~ Ein Vollmond...

18. Okt. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
A Siberian Beauty - Eine sibirische Schönheit
~Deutsche Version unten~ Two years ago when I was looking through old family photographs, I have come across this wonderful shot of my...

11. Okt. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
The Devil's Gorge - Die Teufelsschlucht
~Deutsche Version unten~ Rummaging through my older writings, I found a poem that fits this picture I have taken more than a ear ago in...

4. Okt. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
A Photo Shoot - Ein Fotoshooting
~Deutsche Version unten~ Getting ready for the professional author's photo shoot. ~ Kurz vor meinem ersten professionellen Fotoshooting...

27. Sept. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
Magical and Majestic ~ Magisch und Majestätisch
~Deutsche Version unten~ Strolling through the magnificent gardens of the Alcázar of Seville last year in May, I stumbled upon this...

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