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17. Dez. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
The Silence of the Birds - Das Schweigen der Vögel
"(...), in the silence that enveloped me, forming a kind of vacuum all around me, I looked out the only window and saw two birds flying...

26. Nov. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
The Dying Sun - Die untergehende Sonne
~Deutsche Version unten~ Sun set over the roofs of a Spanish city. ~ Sonnenuntergang über den Dächern einer spanischen Stadt....

19. Nov. 20182 Min. Lesezeit
Siberia - Sibirien
~Deutsche Version unten~ The stories in the two semi-biographical books I have written, "Siberian Shadows - 3 Short Stories with...

12. Nov. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
Mordor in Madrid?
~Deutsche Version unten~ I have spotted these two towers tonight in the rain and fog, and immediately thought they resemble Mordor, the...

5. Nov. 20184 Min. Lesezeit
An Ode to Gratitude - Eine Ode an die Dankbarkeit (The Paris Review)
~Deutsche Version unten~ Once on a Monday evening I was walking along this beach situated at the North Sea. In front of me the explosion...

29. Okt. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
Bathing in the Sunlight - Im Sonnenlicht baden
~Deutsche Version unten~ Taking a walk with my daughter, I discovered this wonderful place bathed in the scintillating Spanish sun. ~ Als...

22. Okt. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
A Heavenly Sight - Eine himmlische Ansicht
~Deutsche Version unten~ #Mondayblues immediately gone with this gift from heaven that I captured among the trees. ~ Der #Montagsblues...

17. Sept. 20181 Min. Lesezeit
The Belt of Venus ~ Der Venusgürtel
~Deutsche Version unten~ Walking along the shores of Cadiz on Monday night, a city so fascinating and magical, Havana was modeled after...

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